O Jehovah, Quam Ampla Sunt Tua Opera! (Detail)
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O Jehova Cuam Ampla Sunt Tua Opera! Cocook
O Jehova Cuam Ampla Sunt Tua Opera! Title
O Jehova Cuam Ampla Sunt Tua Opera! Titulo original

O Jehovah Quam Ampla Sunt Tua Opera

Enterventionale 2020

Bonn University
Curated by: Julia Krings and Michael Stockhausen
Bonn, Germany

This work moves 5 taxidermy pieces from the collection of the Alexander Koenig Museum to the castle chapel at the University of Bonn, while leaving a few cloth-covered copies in the museum to take their place. In a similar way the text decorating the entrance of the museum which reads: O Jehovah, quam ampla sunt tua opera! is copied identically and placed in the small chapel. This transposes the physical and ritual values and forms of the church to the museum of natural sciences, questioning its independence. 


A.R Penk, Maria Eichhorn, Klaus Schmitt, Young-Jae Lee, Dorothee von Windheim, Klaus Fritze, Esteban Sanchez, Louisa Clement, Fernando “Coco” Bedoya, Hannah Schneider, Peter Stohrer, Boris Nieslony, Julian Previeux, Ilka Helmig, Bettina Marx, Klaus Kleine, Kathrin Graf, Muyan Lindena, Heather Sheehan, Lilah Fowler, Lana Murdochy, Nora Schauttauer, Younwon Sohn, Evamaria Schaller, Anthony Dipaola, Hanne Darboven, Anett Frontzek, Ivo Ringe, Samuel Beckett, Aligiero E Boetti