The installation consists of 5 sculptures made of pulverized tires. The sculptures have the shape of the inside of a bucket, but only one of them retains the handle. The other 8 are in a state of relative disintegration on the ground, as if their contents were falling out of the form that contained them. None of the sculptures have the same size. Each one represents a different size of the bucket. This piece is part of a series of works that refer to the exploitation of rubber in the Amazon and the history of Roger Casement and his closeness to the indigenous people of La Chorrera in the Colombian Amazon.
Ravi Agarwal, Aziza Alaoui, Marc Aldinger, Jennifer Allora | Guillermo Calzadilla, Marlene Almeida, Francis Alÿs, Artist Collective SCHAUM, Néle Azevedo, Konstantin Bayer, Joseph Beuys, Richard Box, David Brandstätter, Jens Burde, Vania Caro Melo, Yaacov Chefetz, Colectivo Aninat-Swinburn, Natascha de Cortillas, Ines Doujak, Madhusree Dutta, Sabine und Christian Egelhaaf, Olafur Eliasson | Frederik Ottesen, Steven Emmanuel, Emine Ercihan, Enrico Freitag, Adib Fricke, Klaus Fritze, Galerie für Landschaftskunst, Till Krause u.a., Susanne Gabler, Gao Shiqiang, Cornelia Genschow, Emiliano Godoy, Lola Göller, Dionisio González, Nele-Marie Gräber, Tue Greenfort, Sonia Guggisberg, Swaantje Güntzel, Hermann Josef Hack, Henrik Håkansson, Ilkka Halso, He Xiangyu, Christine Henry, Cornelia Hesse-Honegger, Edi Hirose, Klara Hobza, Norbert Höpfer, Vincent J.F. Huang, Alejandro Jaime, Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Martin Kaltwasser, Saori Kaneko | Richard Welz, Christoph Keller, Anneli Ketterer, Tagit Klimor, Folke Köbberling, Folke Köbberling | Martin Kaltwasser, James Kudo, Christian Kuhtz, Eugen Kunkel, Christin Lahr, Antal Lakner, Sigalit Landau, Jae Rhim Lee, Till Leeser, Dana Levy, Sarah Lewison, Marlen Liebau | Marc Lingk, Gustavo Lipkau, Rudolf zur Lippe, Susanne Lorenz | Dr. Stephan Pflugmacher, Ma Yongfeng, Marcus Maeder, Petra Maitz, Renzo Martens, Ayumi Matsuzaka, Vera Meyer, MITKUNSTZENTRALE, Ida Möller | Renate U. Schürmeyer, Lucia Monge, Claudia Müller, Guisela Munita, Manish Nai, Erez Nevi Pana, Gerd Niemöller, Eliana Otta, Shirley Paes Leme, Heide Pawelzik, Dan Peterman, Nana Petzet, Clement Price-Thomas, Alejandra Prieto, José De Quadros, Vanessa Ramos-Velasquez, Rebecca Raue, Peter Reichenbach, Dodi Reifenberg, Pedro Reyes, Ariel Rojo, Gustavo Romano, Miguel Rothschild, Sharmila Samant, Otmar Sattel, Michael Saup, Michal Schmidt, Susanne Schmitt | Cornelia Ertl, Hannah Schneider, Ursula Schulz-Dornburg, Linda Schumann | Tonia Schmitz, Dina Shenhav, Robert Smithson, David Smithson, Studio Lukas Feireiss und Tomorrow’s Thoughts Today mit Luis Berríos-Negrón, Superflex, Jakub Szczesny, Roberto Uribe Castro, Maria Vedder, Wang Jiuliang, Andreas Wegner, Natalia Wehler, Gal Weinstein, Charlett Wenig | Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten, Gudrun F. Widlok, Xing Danwen, Xu Bing, The Yes Men, Yang Shaobin, ZuhauseKraftwerk - Schwarmstrom, Zwischenbericht