During four nights, two videos were projected in which feathers of flamingos from the zoo of Barranquilla and feathers of parrots living on the banks of the Rhine are shown slowly changing. These videos run parallel to each other on plinths and facades of different buildings that are related to the colonial history of the city of Cologne. Taking as a starting point the story of the young Jambga who died in 1898 in this city and who was part of the 'Volkeraustellungen', a tour begins at the city zoo and during four nights goes through the city looking for these urban icons. Thus, the procession visited the Rautenstrauch Joest museum and different squares to end at the Melaten cemetery where Jambga is buried. While the tour was being made, recordings of flamingos and parrots could be listened to and then a piece entitled Metamorphosis by John Cage was played while the videos were projected.