Charon (collage)


Berlin Untergrund

For the competition ‘The Middle in Nowhere’ I propose a site-specific installation that open a space for reflection and mourning in a urban space perceived only as a place for transport on daily bases. Art can resignify places and imprint on them new meaning for a society or a community. Charon is a piece that will bring back temporarily the names, dates and places of birth of all those 108 people that died during the bombing of 1945 in the station of Weberwiese. Charon is a memorial on the periphery of Art, not in a museum or an art gallery, but at the same time right at the center where those lives were lost. This piece brings a temporary memory of an masacre of civilians that somehow is been repeated somewhere else in the world today. An event where many live were lost in the precise place where today normal live goes on.